AI9 Pack
Elite Professional Coaches via Our Travel Director All in 9 Baseball
AI9 Pack High School Program
A perfect home for ambitious players who aspire to play varsity high school baseball or college baseball. AI9 Pack offers the opportunity to develop leadership skills from professional coaches, participate in comprehensive off-season training programs, and play in competitive tournaments and games.

What it Means to be a Pack Player
- Train with our professional coaches in our unique, organizational player development system
- Play in a competitive game and tournament schedule with top competition
- High School players will have access to recruiting services and consultation
What makes Pack extremely unique
- Top of the line player development and guidance
- Brought to you locally in a cost-competitive way
As part of the AI9 Pack Program, players WILL acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in baseball, life, in high school and beyond.
2024/2025 Pack Baseball
Youth Tryouts
Mon July 8 - 13u (Incoming 7th Graders)
Tues July 9 - 14u (Incoming 8th Graders)
Lindberg Park - Northwest Diamond
Check-in 4:15-5:00 PM
High School Tryouts
Wed Jul 10 - 15u/16/17u
Concordia University Baseball Field
Check-in 4:15-5:00 PM