Welcome to the Oak Park Youth Baseball Program! Since the early 1980’s, we have provided players, ages 5 through 12, the opportunity to learn and love the game of Baseball in and around Oak Park, IL. In 2024 we served almost 700 players and provided them with unparalleled instruction and fun!
Our critical partnerships with the Chicago White Sox, Oak Park River Forest High School and the Park District of Oak Park have elevated the level and quality of play in each of our House League programs.
Our army of volunteer coaches, fundraisers, and administrative personnel, lead the way as we strive for transparency and fairness in all we do. We seek positive experiences for all of our players which may mean striving for excellence in skills development; understanding the game we love at a greater level; or simply forming new friendships.
Baseball League Summary
OPYBS Baseball is a birthdate based league, thus all leagues are organized based upon the players league age and not school grade. OPYBS Baseball offers the following Leagues and Programs:
- T-Ball
- Pinto
- Mustang/Junior Bronco
- Shetland/Bronco
- Pony
- Colt
- Palomino
- Oak Park Eagles Travel Program
Baseball League Rules
Select the document below to view the OPYBS baseball rules.
Players born between 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2019; must be at least in kindergarten.
Baseball T-ball is approximately 14 regular season games, followed by a single elimination tournament. The teams are formed in mid-late March with the season typically lasting from early April until mid-June. On average, one game during the weeknights and one game on the weekend (primarily on Saturdays). The focus at this level is on learning the basics - hitting, catching, fielding, throwing, and running the bases.
Games are six innings with 5-run limits per inning. Games typically last between 90 and 120 minutes. Oak Park is a large community, so the skill level will be wide ranging, but coaches will focus on teaching fundamentals. We use RIF (Reduced Injury Factor) baseballs.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 4 to 6 hours/week between games and practices.

How Teams are Made
While we can’t promise honoring teammate requests, we try to do our best at this age level. Please don’t hesitate during registration to request a teammate or two as we try to make teams have a competitive balance of kindergarten and first graders, but also based on player teammate requests. We typically are able to honor over 80 percent of requests.

Players born between 9/1/2016 and 8/31/2017.
Pinto Baseball is a hybrid kid/coach pitch league. Transitioning a player from t-ball to kid pitch can be very challenging. This league aims to make that challenge easier by gradually transitioning kids from hitting a baseball off a coach to kid pitch baseball. There are 14 regular season games, followed by a single elimination tournament. Teams will form mid-late March with the season approximately lasting from early April to mid-June.
Games are six innings with 5-run limits per inning. Games typically last between 90 and 120 minutes. Oak Park is a large community, so the skill level will be wide ranging, but coaches will focus on teaching fundamentals.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 4 to 6 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
While we can’t promise honoring teammate requests, we try to do our best at this age level. Please don’t hesitate during registration to request a teammate or two as we try to make teams have a competitive balance, but also based on player teammate requests. We typically are able to honor over 80 percent of requests. This is the last baseball league where teammate requests are routinely honored.
Mustang/Junior Bronco
Players born between 9/1/2014 and 8/31/2016.
Due to the number of players, wide range of skill level, and player safety, we have two different leagues for this age level. Mustang - a league for beginners and lower skill level and Jr. Bronco - a league for players whose skills are more advanced. A player who wishes to play in the more advanced league, Jr. Bronco, must attend a Jr. Bronco evaluation and have their skill level evaluated. Any player that is not selected for a Jr. Bronco team will be automatically rostered on a Mustang team. A player who has no desire to play for a Jr. Bronco team does not need to attend evaluations, and will automatically be rostered on a Mustang team.
Jr. Bronco Evaluations
Evaluations take place in early March over two weekends. Your player must attend at least one evaluation, and we ask that they attend both to give your player the best opportunity of being placed on the team that will advance their development. They will be evaluated on the basic skills of catching, fielding, throwing, hitting and pitching.
Games are six innings and both leagues have per-inning run limits. Games typically last between 90 and 120 minutes. Mustang will have no lead-offs, no stealing until after the pitch has crossed home plate, no drop-third strikes, and no stealing of home plate (wild pitches and passed balls included.) Jr. Bronco game play tracks Major League Baseball rules.

Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 4 to 6 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
Jr. Bronco teams are drafted by the Jr. Bronco coaches following the evaluations. Those players who are not selected for a Jr. Bronco team, and those players who choose not to tryout for Jr. Bronco, are automatically rostered on a Mustang team. Mustang teams are formed by taking into account age, skill level, school, and to a lesser extent, teammate requests.

Players born between 9/1/2012 and 8/31/2014.
Due to the number of players, wide range of skill level, and player safety, we have two different leagues for this age level. Shetland - a league for beginners and lower skill level and Bronco - a league for players whose skill is more advanced. A player who wishes to play in the more advanced league, Bronco, must attend a Bronco evaluation and have their skill level evaluated. Any player that is not selected for a Bronco team will be automatically rostered on a Shetland team. A player who has no desire to play for a Bronco team does not need to attend evaluations, and will automatically be rostered on a Shetland team.
Bronco Evaluations
Evaluations take place in early March over two weekends. Your player must attend at least one evaluation, and we ask that they attend both to give your player the best opportunity of being placed on the team that will advance their development. They will be evaluated on the basic skills of catching, fielding, throwing, hitting and pitching.
Games are six innings. Games typically last between 90 and 120 minutes. Gameplay tracks Major League Baseball rules.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 4 to 6 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
Bronco teams are drafted by the Bronco coaches following the evaluations. Those players who are not selected for a Bronco team, and those players who choose not to tryout for Bronco, are automatically rostered on a Shetland team. Shetland teams are formed taking into account age, skill level, school, and to a lesser extent, teammate requests.
The Dierkes Award
This award is given to a Bronco player annually. View a list of past winners.
Players born between 9/1/2010 and 8/31/2012.
The Pony league is comprised of 7th and 8th graders that play local games primarily at Lindberg Park as well as intra-divisional games with other Pony teams from nearby communities. The intra-divisional games are with other Pony teams in the Chicago Suburban Youth Baseball Association. Learn more about the CSYBA at Practices begin in late April and games begin in early May.
Pony Evaluations
Mandatory evaluations take place in mid-April, typically over two weekends. Your player will only need to attend one evaluation, typically separate by age level. They will be evaluated on the basic skills of catching, fielding, throwing, hitting and pitching, and the results are only used to help promote league parity when selecting teams.
Games are seven innings. Games typically last between 120 and 150 minutes. Gameplay generally tracks Major League Baseball rules. For local rule details and exceptions, see Local Pony Rules.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 6 to 8 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
Pony teams are drafted by the Pony coaches following the evaluations. Pony teams are formed taking into account age, skill level, school, and to a lesser extent, teammate requests. A primary goal for this league is competitive balance. If this is your player’s second year in the program, there is a good chance that they will not be on the same team that they were last year.
Players born between 9/1/2008 and 8/31/2010.
The Colt league is comprised of freshmen and sophomores who play local games primarily at Lindberg Park as well as intra-divisional games with other Colt teams from nearby communities. The intra-divisional games are with other Colt teams in the Chicago Suburban Youth Baseball Association. Learn more about the CSYBA at Practices begin in late April and games begin in early May.
Colt Evaluations
Evaluations take place in late May, typically over two weekends. Your player will need to attend only one evaluation. They will be evaluated on the basic skills of catching, fielding, throwing, hitting and pitching, and the results are only used to help promote team parity if enough players sign up to field two teams.
Games are seven innings. Games typically last between 120 and 150 minutes. Gameplay generally tracks Major League Baseball rules.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 6 to 8 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
Historically, we have fielded one to two Colt teams, depending on how many players sign up. If there are two teams for the 2025 season, the coaches will try to form squads that are equal in ability.
Players born between 9/1/2006 and 8/31/2008.
The Palomino league is comprised of juniors and seniors who play local games primarily at Lindberg Park as well as intra-divisional games with other Palomino teams from nearby communities. The intra-divisional games are with other Palomino teams in the Chicago Suburban Youth Baseball Association. Learn more about the CSYBA at Practices begin in late May, and games run from early June through July 31.

Palomino Evaluations
Evaluations take place in late May, typically over two weekends. Your player will need to attend only one evaluation. They will be evaluated on the basic skills of catching, fielding, throwing, hitting and pitching, and the results are only used to help promote team parity if enough players sign up to field two teams.
Games are seven innings. Games typically last between 120 and 150 minutes. Gameplay generally tracks Major League Baseball rules.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 4 to 6 hours/week between games and practices.
How Teams are Made
Historically, we have fielded one to two Palomino teams, depending on how many players sign up. If there are two teams for the 2025 season, the coaches will try to form squads that are equal in ability.
Coaches - Please Volunteer
Our entire baseball and softball organization is composed of volunteers. Last year, our organization had over 300 volunteer coaches. The skill level of our coaches ranges from “former professional player” to “never played.” All of our volunteer coaches must pass a background check and take a Safe Sport Certification. We offer help and guidance for coaches who have little-to-no experience. Some of our very best coaches have had no experience, but are great human beings who understand what it means to be a leader and make a fun and rewarding experience for their players. Contact the VP of Baseball for more information.
2025 Spring
VP of Baseball
League Presidents
T-Ball: Ben Magnuson
Pinto: Matt Huels
Jr. Bronco: Jeff Mathis
Mustang: Matt Brown
Bronco: Bryan Gilsenan
Shetland: Nate Whalen
Pony: John Milder
Colt/Palomino: TBD
Use the button below to register for the 2025 Spring season!