
Please Pledge Your Time For The Kids of OPYBS.

Each year, providing such a great baseball and softball experience for our kids is a formidable project… one which must be implemented solely with funds generated by OPYBS through registration fees, sponsorships and sales of merchandise. This can only be accomplished by relying 100% upon volunteers to plan, organize and manage our organization. Our kids rely on adults like you to contribute time and experience as coaches, umpires, board members, event coordinators, and more. So, please pledge a donation of your time and expertise to helping OPYBS kids have an enjoyable baseball or softball experience. Whether you have an hour a month, an hour a week, or an hour a day to contribute, we can’t think of a better cause than the development of our own community youth. Our kids need you!

Oak Park Youth Baseball/Softball is always looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Registration
  • Coaching
  • Training
  • Tryouts/Evaluations
  • Picture Day
  • Pony Tournament Registration
  • White Sox Night
  • Concessions
  • Maintenance

For more information, contact the Board President: president@opybs.org

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